Site icon Harry Stone Montessori Academy PTA

PTA Officer Nominations for 2020-21

Folks, it’s that time of year again. Our Harry Stone community needs a few good people to join together and help provide leadership of our PTA into the next school year. We are taking nominations for the PTA board positions, which will be voted on at our 5/26 meeting. If you are interested, or know someone you’d like to nominate, please send an email to See below for details.

If you aren’t ready to be a PTA board member, but are interested in contributing, we are always on the lookout for folks interested in helping on committees or for PTA events.

Position Duties and Responsibilities


1st VP

2nd VP Membership

3rd VP Public Welfare and Education

4th VP Student Enrichment

5th VP On-going fundraiser

6th VP Publicity



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